rummy angel

Friday 26 December 2014


Seedhasaral starts in 2010.

We have huge team in Gorakhpur

Welcome to

We Provide Quiz for our members, Quiz are specially designed on the same pattern which is followed by IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection), CCC, SSC which helps to our members for self analysis, Quiz results are declared at All-India basis, which not only helps candidates to know their All India Ranking but also to improve on the loose sections they need to work on.
From Quiz conducting environment to result declaration everything gives candidates a real feel of the final competition and thus relaxify’s the member, from exam nervousness making them more confident and sharper to outperform at the real ground.

Our effort your pride
The saul aim of Company is based on the concept of providing opportunity, prosperity to every member through the step by step employment to eradicate the problem of poverty.
To make you financially strong and dynamic through effective system of network marketing in any area.
The aim of company is to make our members to be self depend in all field.